When a caterpillar thinks my life is ended it takes birth in a butterflyPunya Prasad Prasai
Principle of InspirationWhat is not in you, for what are you grumbling, Don't weep for. Don't be stopped. There is no use of weeping what you missed in pass. A time will come you will get the excellent thing in life than which you missed in past that time must came. Therefore. You welcome that time instead of weeping over the missed in past. Nature is bountiful. She wants you to give a great thing. Really you are unique. When the caterpillars think we became new and old, now we can't move. This was our last pleasure in life. Now our world ended. They meet and cry uttering the above words and bade good bye. Then they take birth in butterfly.Turn opposite the binocularI begin the story from here. It is the time of infant. We had been going to Brahakshetra along with parents and a few relative. We dived after reaching Dharan. According to father's promise, he 9father) bought me a binocular. To have a binocular was may an ardent longing from the very beginning. We got in a vehicle. At that time the vehicle was hot reachable to Brahakshetrea. We had to go on foot there from Chatara. We had to go on foot there from Chatra. We started to go we walked for long, I was tired, I asked a man "How long would we have to walk to reach Barahakshetra?The man carelessly replied "now we have to cross seven like that hillock". He painted a front hillock with a little figure, I saw that hillock with a binocular. The magnifying glass elaborated that hillock in huge from before me I sat down with surprise, crying "Oh! being a small child how can I cross such seven hillock on foot. Oh! no I cannot walk, I will return.All of us preached me, saying "you should not cross seven hillocks jumping at a time. You walk one by one step. You only forward your step, you will reach. No, all's preaching did not work. I could not stride. Repeatedly I looked the hillock with my binocular and cried. I became astonished being a small child how can I cross the hillocks. No I cannot cross, I return.It was not possible to return me alone. No one was ready to return me. At the same time a nun appread there. He heard my matters. He advised me indicating the binocular you turn your binocular opposite again look at the hillock.I did according to nun's advice. I turned my binocular opposite.As soon the binocular turned opposite, I saw the hillocks in their size. They were in actual size I smiled.The nun said understanding me It is not only your problem, it is all's problem. We make our problems big, because we look it with our mind's binocular. When you turn binocular opposite they seem as it is. For a brave child like you there is not difficulty, such an ordinary hillock. You can"The nun's voice cast magic on me. His voice made me courageous. After that I agreed to walk because those hillocks were not big as before. They were in actual from.We are being supported like this way. We see everywhere problems whatever the problems are in size, we make them bigger, looking it in mind's binocular. When we talk others about any problem or disease, we tell them with exaggeration. We have formed a habit of exaggeration, we comment or complain in everything when you go on long drive, you comment on the tiredness of your journey. Remember them at same time who are travelling journey on foot.You are commenting about job or service, you are faded with comments of job, think over those people who are jobless or unemployment. The spouse comments his wife or her husband but think over them who are unmarried. You complain your children or parents but think over them, who are childless and orphan before to comment in every field of own's life we should think, tender ages boys had to depart from this world, what's their fault. We comment in the house, the food is not tasteful, we should think ahead, there are people who don't get food even one time nicely.Such men are spending months its is our weakness to understand magnifying the matter. Don't look with a convex lense making problems big turn opposite to the binocular. Be stout now, It is also not good to be sorry and anxiety free. Now you are reading this book. Problem, sorrow and anxiety is plentiful in our life. While there is life there is sorrow. It is better to use the time in works instead of weeping the time seeing own's condition. It is wasteful. every successful man to whom we look, we become surprised. one day he was also like us. Many of the success men were totally in weak position. So always remember one thing - you are capable to fulfill your dream and your target. Firstly turn the binocular opposite and avoid the world "Cannot" from the dictionary of one motto. I am an able man. I can do any sort of work done by any man in the world. Yes I may do, yes I can do. Then look its magic spell bound.